TNWK*: Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner 2005

a portrait of the 'neighbourhood' that is an entire school

Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s canonical ballad voiced by the pupils, teachers and support staff of Coleridge Community College in Cambridge, with each person saying a line.
A sound essay on contemporary English(es) as spoken.

Created for Radio Taxi 2005 by TNWK* in collaboration with Simon Keep. detailed essay

 Full recording available here (thanks to Penn Sound)

*TNWK 1999 - 2007 was a collaborative authorship of poetic and visual practices. Kirsten Lavers and cris cheek brought specialist histories in poetry, site-specific installation and situated cultural practice; their common grounds included performance, bookworks, photography, video and curatorial intervention. TNWK’s work focussed on conversation and participation, to produce ‘portraits of value’ (exploring tensions between the societal, the communal and the political), using a diversity rather than a singularity of modes and media.